Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I WON THE CONTEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I go to Charter Oaks gymnastics class every Thursday. There was a coloring contest. I was doubting that I would win, but then, I WON!! I was really happy! The prize was going to the sleep over at the gym with all the gymnasts last weekend, but I didn't go because I had to do something else that night. Everyone else had to pay $65 to go to it, but it would've been free for me. Here is a photo of my winning picture:


Nanna and Papa said...


Nanna and Papa are sooooooooo excited and happy for you! Congratulations! What a very nice drawing!
We are so proud of you and love you sooooooooo much! Nanna and Papa

Lindsay said...

HOOOORAY for you Ella!
Your did a great job, I can see why you won the contest!
xo, Aunt Lindsay